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Part One
Travel ... When I think about it, I feel good. When the name of travel comes, my eyes sparkle and my whole body is full of taste. When I want to think about the future, the first thing that comes to my mind is travel. When you say what if in your life you go back The more you did, the more I traveled. When asked if you now had a magic lamp giant and you could ask him for something, what did you want? Without a moment's hesitation, I said that I wanted to be a tourist. I told him that Mr. Giant, the magic magic lamp, since it has been heard that you can fulfill any wish, he is entitled to agree to my request. Export me the world and a number of bird rugs.
Then I waited for him to write under the logistics unit with his green pen (usually in managers' offices they have two automatic colors: green (agrees) and red (wrap)) to help. No doubt I did not want anything at that moment and I had reached my goal.
Leaving aside these fascinating fantasies, in today's hard and violent world, with these political, diplomatic, national and rial problems, I have been able to travel to several places with every effort I have made. They do not reach me, but I am still satisfied with myself that at least a little of my dreams have come true, and since dear Mr. Giant, the magic lamp can be ourselves, I will do my best to travel again. Seeing the world and their job is tourism, I took a pen and wrote about my travels, I must say that the world and its events are different from the point of view of different people. And I want to show you the world as I saw it, that's why I have always tried to show the world to others from behind my eyes, now by writing a travelogue or accompanying my friends on virtual pages when traveling, and I hope that I can share the pleasure of traveling with you, albeit a little.
It was the winter of 2018 that we decided to go to China. China was very attractive to me. For several reasons. The first is that there are several unique places of interest in China all over the world, such as the Great Wall of China, about which there are many stories and legends, and the Forbidden City. Second, China is one of the most daring countries in the world today. From the most precise and sophisticated machines and electronic devices to the hair we use to tie our hair, it is a stratified work. It is one of the most populous and vast countries in the world that has unique features in the language, clothes, culture of the people and all these reasons for me It means charm.
Since I have a flight phobia, hearing that the flight to Beijing from Tehran takes about 8 hours was enough to make me cry out of fear. But reviewing the attractions I mentioned made me put my hand on my shoulder and tell myself that you can step on the Great Wall of China safe and sound !!! In short, we bought the ticket and gathered information about Beijing attractions and study in It started with the Chinese people, customs and culture. I think one of the most enjoyable things to do to plan a trip is to study the destination country. If you, as a tourist, have information about the destination country. Undoubtedly, the attraction of seeing the attractions will multiply for you. Reading history is one of my hobbies. Studying the unknowns of the world, getting acquainted with the culture of the people of the world, walking in the back alleys and seeing the lives of people who are not our language and communicating with them means life to me. And maybe this is the curiosity and desire to discover the unknown. Cultural and indigenous has made me madly interested in traveling. The study and planning of the trip itself has several parts. The first part is about the culture and customs and attractions of the destination and the second part is about how to Make the most of the few days we are in the destination country and make the most of our time with the fasting program.
About collecting the first part, which is not a difficult task, you can collect information about the destination from the heart of articles and reports that can be easily found on the Internet. For example:
China is the second largest country in the world
China is the most populous country in the world and 34 babies are born every minute and this population has just reached this number despite the application of the one-child law, which of course has changed the law to two children for several years. For this reason, for example, I saw a man in China. The age difference between her children was about 20 years, because until the law of one child was lifted, a second child was born.
The Chinese people use 45 billion sticks or dining wood every year, which means that 20 million 20-year-old trees are cut down for this purpose every year.
The number of people executed in China is more than the total number of people executed in the world.
China is the largest exporter of goods in the world.
Table tennis is a Chinese national sport.
In 2020, there will be about 30 to 40 billion unmarried men in China.
4 million cats are eaten annually in China.
In China, the rich can hire someone to spend time in prison instead of in prison
In China, there is a law called "Elderly Rights" that requires children of parents over the age of 60 to visit their parents regularly; Otherwise they will be punished!
The Vatican government still does not recognize the People's Republic of China as the legitimate government of China
One of the strangest wonders is that the word censorship in China is censorship !!!
There are more English speakers in China than in the United States
And of course, other facts that you can read from the "Kejaroo" site in an article of the same name, and be surprised and say to yourself, aaaaaaaa really !!! Well, after reading the general information about China, the second step in planning before the trip is to gather information about the sights of the country you are going to travel to, and more importantly, to prioritize in order to proceed with the planned travel time. And did not get confused. I googled the sights of Beijing again and of course I read several travelogues so that I could make an accurate and regular plan according to my taste.
Travel to China
Well, among the many sights of Beijing, considering the 9-day trip, we decided to visit the old wall, the Temple of Heaven, the Ming Mausoleum, the Forbidden City, a few old streets such as Wiifujing, Nanlogoxiank (which should be said to rest for two days). Tiananmen, I visit the Dahongman area, the old part of the city.
China Visa
The next step was to obtain a visa and book a flight. We have to get a visa to travel to China, and we gave the required documents such as financial means and passport with a credit of about 6 months and $ 110 to an agency to get a visa for us. First of all, I would like to say that my wife and two of our family friends were with us on this trip, and that is why I use the plural verb. It took about two weeks for the visa to arrive. I had a visa stress because I had heard that due to the new US sanctions, even the very friendly country of China is cute to us and makes visas difficult !!
flight to China
Now that I have a visa, I have reached the worst part of my trip, which is flying !!! Considering the distance of about 8 hours, I really wanted to go with a foreign flight, but the prices are almost 3 times the safest flight in Iran in my opinion, namely Mahan. Hello. Salawat, we also bought the ticket and waited for the day to start the trip. So far, the longest trip I had was to Malaysia, which lasted about 6 hours, and now I have to sit on the plane with my body trembling for two more hours, that is, 8 hours. I pay attention to the whispers of the hostesses and the pilot that the situation is under my control. But whatever I thought, I saw that I could not stand 8 hours of torment and stress. I went to the pharmacy and bought sleeping pills and carefully asked when I should take the pill that I fell asleep on the plane just before the flight. I ate 2 to work hard and after passing Haft Khan Rostam, we got on the plane. As soon as I arrived, I was shocked that our Chinese friends were so interested in this flight that about 90% of the passengers were Chinese, and if you know a little about how they interact socially, you will understand why I was surprised ?! Yes, noise (because they do not speak quietly at all) and secondly, it smells like garlic and onion (which, of course, because of the healthy diet and spices they consume). !! So much noise and all kinds of smells and that's it. Before starting the flight, I told one of the flight attendants that I have a flight phobia and if possible I should be in a place where there is less noise and I can sleep. Sleep until the chair is stuck together, but of course it all depends on you how fast you are !! I said I'm sorry, I did not understand, he said look around and you will understand. The runners are 100 meters before the shooting and the start of the race !!!! I had almost no chance, but it was a game of life and death. Chairs I managed to find a place to sleep for myself. The pills were working little by little and the eyelids were getting heavier. But this fear, smell and noise did not let me sleep. The eerie effects of the pills made it even more difficult for me to experience an 8-hour dream of my life, and by the time the captain said we were sitting at Beijing airport, I was exactly halfway through my life. From this one flight, I survived and landed in China at 4 in the morning.
After delivering the cargo, we went to the entrance gates. Our friends passed through the gate with a passport stamped on them, and it was my turn. Entering a new country, we see that they must be good-natured and good-natured to convey a good feeling. Little by little, I was worried because we repeated this several times and it took too long.
I asked him is there any problem here I saw he was just looking again!
I asked him whats matter with my passport
again I saw he was just looking again!
I asked him can you speak English
And it was there that I realized that our friend did not understand what I was saying at all. I remembered the sentence I read in Morvard China that the number of people who speak English in China is more than the total number of Americans !!! Well, now my chance now should not be one of them in front of me ?? !! Nothing like this I stood up and pointed and pantomime and emoticon said what should I do now? I saw that he picked up the phone and a woman came and called him. The third came in by force. After looking at my passport for 3 minutes, now I was laughing at the work of Ina, but I was so tired and had a headache and I was stressed that I could not stand on my feet. Save this friend of ours from them. He called the same boy and two people came to my side and took me under guard to see what flower we should take and what is the problem ?! Thank God this one could speak English and told me that in your passport photo, your face is much longer than it really is and I can not be sure that you are ?! After all the faces and three faces and the complete occurrence, he said no again. I said, "Look, my passport is still stamped and now I'm not feeling well. Tell me what to do to prove it to you." Click on this paper and I hit it too. I was proud in my heart that I worked hard and designed the signature for myself so hard that only I could do it myself. And so I set foot in the land of the Chinese Empire. The airport was so big that we had to take the train to the next hall and luggage. We would take delivery. It was about 6 o'clock in the morning when we got out of the airport and headed towards the hotel. One of our Chinese colleagues with whom we had worked in Iran followed us and accompanied us to the hotel. On the way to the hotel, we passed the Olympic complex and I saw the famous football stadium of the Bird's Nest, which had a really beautiful design. The stadium was hosted by China for the 2008 Olympic Games and became a tourist attraction after the Games.
Photos from the Internet
When we arrived at the hotel, it was about 8 o'clock in the morning and I was so upset that I went to the room to have breakfast and not eaten to rest and go to bed and wake up at 3 o'clock in the afternoon !!!
second part
I was dreaming that someone was knocking on the door and I was saying everything, but I was not knocking and I heard incomprehensible sounds from a person speaking that I do not understand his language. When I opened my eyes, I saw a Chinese maid standing in front of me and she was talking like a Chinese idiot !!! She was about to have a stroke for fear. The effect of insomnia and the two sleeping pills I had taken to sleep on the plane was still very much on its own because I was just staring at it for a few seconds and wondering where he was and who he was standing in. It took about a minute to Putting together the puzzle pieces of Ms. Almond Eye, the suitcases in the corner of the room, the wall clock that shows 3 o'clock in the afternoon, I realize that I am now in China and I have been sleeping for about 8 hours! , I packed up and said why did you come into the room? Did I see him speak Chinese again? I told him several times in different ways and I still did not understand what he was saying until I got up and said respectfully. Go out. Take it. From the intensity of my anger, my blood was boiling so much that he opened the door in the middle of my sweet sleep and came in and hit me, which he noticed the deterioration of the situation, bowed to apologize and went out. I went to apply water on my hands and face, but I forgot that I did not inform Ina's mother that I had arrived, and they must have been completely worried. I got the username and password from the hotel reception and connected to the internet and waited to receive the waiting messages from the family, but I saw that there was no news. I was surprised, I checked WhatsApp myself and noticed that it is filtered! Then I checked the telegram and saw that it was also filtered! Then Instagram and maybe you do not believe that was the filter! It was all over and I was worried about Ina's mom because with the spirits I knew of them, I knew that they were now checking the TV and the sites to see where the plane had crashed or when it had been hijacked! Then I remembered that our Chinese colleagues were using Weichat software when they were in Iran, which is not for the Chinese themselves and is not a filter, so I downloaded it from Google and in disbelief I saw that Google is also filtered! I took a deep breath and said with a smile to the brothers of the Chinese leader in my heart, Zaki! We ourselves are doing this in Iran and we have filtered and censored it. I sent and thanked God and lied why I was so embarrassed that I had been so ungrateful for so long and did not appreciate our own situation. I had not felt so helpless in my whole life. Because of the distance, neither the bottle in the sea, nor the smoke of the fire, nor the cobra and chaparr, neither of them can convey my message to Iran! Finally, with a lot of effort and trying different filter breakers and proxies with different phones, I informed Ina's mom that I had just arrived and they should not worry. Yes. With the help of Mr. Vaughn, we installed a stronger filter breaker that could only send text to Iran. When I stepped out of the hotel, my whole body began to tremble from the cold. How cold it was. As soon as we got in the car, I shivered Ate together. After about an hour touring Beijing, we finally arrived at the restaurant. We entered an alley that was covered all over the alley with red lights and a circular shape that is specific to China.
When we reached the end of the alley, we saw two young men with very old lights standing on either side of the entrance gate and shouting loudly (niha means hello) and then bowing, which was a sign of welcome. From the gate we entered, we noticed a surprise. Yes, Mr. Won brought us to a restaurant for dinner that simulated the palace complex and the emperor's residence on a smaller scale. It was really beautiful. Dragon-decorated palaces in yellow and red, two of the most popular colors in China. And it is a sign of empire and glory.
All the guests in the restaurant were the emperor's crew, and the emperor's entertaining process was hand in hand for the guests. A large table was reserved for us and our friends, decorated in red and gold. In China One of the attractions that must be seen and paid attention to is the culture of eating them. He was there. And in the larger, more stable circle of your serving utensils, there is a forearm, a stick holder (porcelain instead of a spoon and fork), a cup to drink instead of a glass.
As we sat around the table, a woman came and filled the small bowls that she had to drink. But it was interesting that until we drank one of those teas, someone was standing by the table and filling it again. After doing this a few times, common sense told me not to drink from it anymore, because this dish is not going to be empty. It was Chinese in the most traditional way possible. Two women came in in local clothes, one of whom wore a mustache and, for example, was an emperor and the other a queen. They started singing together and reciting poetry in praise. Then a group came with big dishes and put the food on the table and said that these are the emperor's favorite dishes that will be served to you tonight. Fish, chicken, vegetables, shrimp, and of course a dish of meat like jigo because they knew we were Iranians and we also eat red meat.
But a container that caught my eye and really piqued my curiosity was a large container full of petals of different flowers. Roses, chrysanthemums, cloves, and a few other flowers with very beautiful colors that are really beautiful image I made it and I felt really good looking at it. I asked Mr. Vaughn what it was and he said that this salad was the emperor's favorite and that each flower represented one of the king's mourners and wives, and by doing so the king showed that all wives are valuable to him. God also had a gentle spirit, and it seems that the story of Huo and the not-so-attractive fringes of that poor emperor of China were also gripping.
After a heartfelt speech by Mr. Won in praise of our presence in China, it was time to try the foods. I did not dare to start because the smells, shapes and images of the food were completely unfamiliar, and on the other hand, the chicken head and its legs in the dish did not look very pleasant for me to try. I sat quietly and waited for the others to comment on the food to find out which dish to go to. And of course I would like to wait a few minutes and see what the etiquette of eating in China is like. I always do the same thing. One of the attractions of the trip was these seemingly small but attractive things and I must say it was really very different from Iran. For example, if you have a group out to eat and everyone has ordered food from the menu, this food is not just for the customer. The food is constantly spinning on that moving part of the table, and in fact that food belongs to everyone. In China, unlike Iran, soft drinks and doogh and these things are not served at all and they drink the same drink. One of our friends told one of the crew to bring him ice cream. The poor crew regrouped for a moment, staring at the ceiling. After a few moments when he regained consciousness, he said that we do not have ice. Ice only exists in mountains and snow !!! Well, now it was our friend's turn to hang out and stare at the ceiling. When he regained consciousness, Josh thought that maybe the waiter did not understand what he meant, so he told Mr. Won, and Mr. Won also said that there is no such thing as ice water to eat with food in China. And he said something to the waiter and he brought a pitcher of lukewarm water to the table and said, "Come on, this is water !! Lukewarm water and we realized that eating cold water with ice is not defined at all in China." There was an interesting and, of course, somewhat distasteful culture for us, that everyone puts food in the same dish with their own chopsticks and removes food from the dish, and there is no separate spoon on each dish. And all this time, Mr. Won turned the table and tasted, and then he put food in all of us, and he thought he was very, very hospitable. Of all the glamorous dinner tables, I ate only one of the emperor's wives' salads, which was not disrespectful to the emperor's interior, God forbid, and a bit of a salad and meat like jigo. The rest of the food was either too raw or too spicy or too spicy that did not suit my taste and I looked at people all the time. How easy it was to laugh out loud, joke with each other, hug each other, take pictures and literally They lived the word moment. But in Iran, due to considerations, it was almost impossible to have such a comfortable atmosphere in a restaurant, and on the night of my arrival in China, I realized that the Chinese are probably one of the most comfortable people in the world in disregarding the judgments of others. They are happy. I was immersed in cultural revelations and comparisons with Iran when a group of women entered in beautiful traditional costumes, bowed to everyone and started dancing to a very beautiful local music, of a traditional and emperor-friendly type. It was incredibly beautiful and spectacular. The softness of the dancers' movements combined with the traditional one-handed costumes and weird shoes (the shoes had a flat heel on the heel and toe and a brick-like protrusion on the soles of the feet). The beautiful music and the innocent faces of the dancers and of course the hospitality of Mr. Vaughn and my good mood made the memory of that night always vividly recorded in my mind. And so the experience of the most Chinese dinner of my life became truly unique and memorable. Then we returned to the hotel with the warm and friendly escort of the staff of the Emperor's Palace and on our way we decided to go tomorrow to see some of the sights of Beijing.
third part
Breakfast is a very important meal - it can either make or break your day. Yesterday, when I could not eat breakfast due to that insomnia, I had soaped my heart for a good breakfast today. The hotel restaurant was so big that when I saw the area and variety of over 200 food topics, I was shocked for a moment, but your eyes do not look bad, we see the same smell of the dominant countries of East Asia, and nothing was to my taste. After that, it was my breakfast, which of course I was not dissatisfied with.
Whenever I want to get acquainted with the lifestyle or the so-called lifestyle and culture of a country, I always go to one of their hyper-walkers, walk among the people for a few hours and, of course, use their public transportation. It shows the temperament of people in their daily life and lifestyle. For example, the food of the Chinese people, unlike Iran, which is rice and bread, consists of vegetables, seafood and white meat. During my stay in China, I did not see a single obese person because, firstly, they have proper nutrition and secondly, they walk as much as possible and are physically active. In my opinion, one of the most hard-working people in the world is the Chinese. I understood what my Chinese colleagues were saying. Another important point is that I always install these three apps on my travels for transportation and transportation, Google Map, Map and Metro app, and apps like our own Snap, which each country has its own. Because otherwise and always using a taxi makes the cost of travel very high, especially Beijing, which I read about before, and the price of a taxi for the shortest route was about 100 yuan, which was 200,000 tomans per yuan !! Which is not affordable at all. Of course, it depends on the type of travel and the taste of the person who goes to travel, but with this situation, the value of the national currency in order to continue traveling, at least such costs have not been defined for us. To see which way and by what bus and subway we should go to our destination, which was the Temple of Heaven, I took a look at Google Map and saw with complete disbelief that this is a filter !! If this is not one, nothing could be done officially. The importance of Google Map in another country is equal to the importance of a wheelchair for a paralyzed person! I called Mr. Vaughn and told him what the story is and what to do? He said yes, all these applications that you use in Iran and other countries are filtered and you have to install a version that is specific to China. And the Chinese versions were all in Chinese and could not be used. I was really surprised that the atmosphere of a country is so closed. I would also like to say that censorship and filtering are much more severe than in Iran, but for all these apps that I mentioned from the beginning of my travelogue and said that there is an alternative filter that the Chinese government itself has provided to its people with the best quality and efficiency. It literally eliminates the need for anything like the WeChat app that Chinese people do all their work with. All the features of apps like Instagram, Vance App, Telegram, Facebook, Metro Card, Wallet together The type of filtering and censorship in China is so great that all phones that are in China and are allowed to sell are designed in such a way that the software can be installed in any way other than the software authorized by the Chinese government. They have no other and are in the so-called chain pack. With this filter situation, now you understand what I mean in the first part of the travelogue, which I said would have been a disaster if it were not for Mr. Won, traveling to China! Due to my frustration and the fact that it was our first day in Beijing, Mr. Won came to the hotel to accompany us. I told him that I want to go see a hyper and take a short walk and then take the subway to the Temple of Heaven, but no software works here so I can find my way! He started navigating with his mobile phone and then said, "Tell me, it didn't matter that this is a map." I took his mobile phone and saw the whole map and address and everything in Chinese. I said, "Are you kidding me?" Or did you see something in me that you thought might have Chinese roots? Oh, I do not understand anything from Chinese !! On our mobile phones, which were Google Maps and Ina, but it was filtered. It could not be installed on their mobile phones because they were also packed and prohibited. Little by little, I was going crazy and confused by all this feeling of helplessness and confusion, but I told myself that he is with us today so that we can think later. We ran out of the hotel and again the cold air that burns my skin when it eats. Every corner of the sidewalk I looked at was full of bicycles and motorcycles. Most of them were women who went back and forth with their children. I thought to myself that if I could ride a bicycle in Iran without warning my body or my bicycle or leaving left and right about me and being a woman and giving my rights and fatwas to my life, I would definitely never want to. Go to Iran. Mr. Vaughn, noticing that I was looking at the crowd of cyclists with gusto, scanned the barcode of one of the bicycles on the street corner with his cell phone and said, "Come on, ride your bike, and we'll walk." (Now that you are reading this travelogue, exactly the same Chinese cycling system has been implemented in Tehran, and it is also called "smokeless", which had not been launched in Iran when I was in China). First we went to a hyper to buy a little and see what makes up the largest shopping cart of the Chinese people. I must say aquatic, vegetables, eggs, fruits. This. There was no news of chips and puffs, no soda and oil. The fruits were so beautiful and one-handed and fragrant that I did not want to go out and I must say that I had never eaten anywhere like those clustered tangerines and that unique pear and I still tasted it. Under the tongue.
Then I cycled to the subway again because we had to go the rest of the way by subway. The subway is also one of the attractions of travel for me, because all kinds of people use the subway and seeing them is a kind of fun and familiarity with everyday life for me. When we entered the subway and sat down, the interesting thing I noticed was that they were very dependent on their mobile phones. In China, people do almost a large part of their work with mobile phones. From paying purchase bills and shipping costs by scanning barcodes to watching movies and games and rarely books. If they are not busy with their mobile phones, they will sleep. Although he is naughty, I was personally very happy to see a nation that has more heads in their phones than us Iranians. The next point was that unlike us Iranians who greet tourists or at least smile as a sign of welcome, this rarely happened here and it can be said that tourists are indifferent. Of course, after two or three days in Beijing, I realized that it was because of the weakness of speaking English and that they did not try to communicate, just like Russia, which may be communist in nature. An obvious example is that I saw a lot of people in Beijing who did not know the numbers in English, and more interestingly, when you said that the hotel looked like this, well, there are other hotels all over the world !!! Of course, the children were much easier to communicate with, because now families send their children to class because they know the importance of understanding English. For example, I was sitting in the subway when a very cute boy came to me and told me that he could sit next to me? I said why not, of course. And I asked what his name was and how old was he? He answered with his hand in his mouth which was a sign of his embarrassment and then he asked me where I was coming from. The almonds were completely closed and disappeared in his face and became two red lips.
My mother Kelly was proud that her son was able to talk to me and then we said a few words and he said goodbye with a firm hug and got off. Of course, something interesting happened to us several times. The fact that they showed the size of our eyes in the subway and on the street with their hands, which means that they are much bigger than themselves, and this made us try to take pictures with them in several places, and we, of course, accepted the feeling of foreigners in our country. Because it happened that we did not pay attention, they were following us with their mobile phones, and after taking a photo and a selfie, they just stood in a corner and looked at it with taste, as if achieving one of their dreams and taking a photo with an important person !! Of course, I also took pictures with them as a sign of my respect for them.
Being really funny. In my opinion, the Chinese are a people in which the child is alive and active. So much so that everyone laughs and is happy and has nothing to do with others. They did so many funny things that sometimes I wanted to kill them.
Finally, after a general study and seeing the Chinese mood and way of life in the subway, street and hyper, we reached the Temple of Heaven. One of the sights that was suggested to be seen in Trip Advisor and I must say it was really beautiful. The fact that each country has its own style of architecture, its own language, its own way of life is really very exciting, motivated and travel and the pleasure of travel means this, and I still need to say that travel for me means discovering the unknown. Temple of heaven or (temple of heaven) is the first temple in China that the whole building is made of wood without the use of nails. It is actually the altar of the Chinese Empire, located in the south and near the Forbidden City. The main building of the temple is located in an area 4 times the size of the Forbidden City and 100,000 trees, about 4,000 of which are old cypress trees over 800 years old, and the emperor or the son of heaven 3 times a year, on the first day of spring, birthday and The longest night of the year came here for prayer and sacrifice and asking for blessings. Before reading about China, I realized that it is definitely one of the most mysterious countries that I must see, and this is due to the ancient history and the Chinese empire. For example, in the case of Goli Xian's army, part of which has come out of the ground in recent years, (an army of soldiers with a natural face and height and without repetition, and every soldier that comes out of the ground loses its color in a strange way And because of these tricks and rumors of the existence of a kind of poisonous substance that has not yet found its way to the emperor's tomb (search in Google, you will find that it is exactly as mysterious as the pyramids of Egypt. It is also a mystery in Chinese architecture. For example, in the same temple, a wall called a reflection wall has been erected around one of the buildings. If you are at the beginning of the wall and say something in a whisper, a person standing at the end of the wall and you do not even see him can hear what you said !! ! It is true that there is a scientific reason, but when you hear the whisper of a person you do not see, the subconscious becomes an interesting and mysterious story. The presence of numbers and figures and the dragon symbol and these delicate details that show the years, seasons and months and their connection with each other is also one of the charms that is always followed in Chinese architecture. The plates that formed the circular altar were arranged in groups of nine, and many other ciphers were used in the construction of the altar.
On the first day of my stay in Beijing, I fell in love with this architecture and its secrets and mysteries, and I must say that it is exactly one of the things I wanted to experience. It means walking in the heart of history and seeing the secrets and mysteries of an empire. After seeing the platforms of the altar and "Chi Nian" hall, which is the most magnificent building of this complex, and a 3-hour tour of this 267-hectare area, and seeing the park and the old trees of the year, it was about 6 pm and there was practically no place. He saw another.
In China, public places, museums and monuments are only open until 5 o'clock, and due to the cold weather, it was not possible to walk in the streets and parks, so you can visit restaurants. For this reason, even though we were in Beijing for 9 days, we were still able to see and use a few places. At Mr. Won's suggestion, we went to one of the most famous Chinese restaurant attractions, the "hot pot" restaurant complex.
The hot pot is exactly the same model as the one in front of the restaurant, which is filled with melted charcoal in the lower chamber, which causes the water inside the pot to be constantly boiling. Then we had to pour the food we wanted into the pot one by one and boil it, and we would drink it from the water again and eat it. Of course, we later found out that Mr. Vaughn ate turtle meat in this restaurant without us realizing it! Because we could not read Chinese, he flipped through me and then we saw a bunch of slices of meat, shrimp, vegetables, small donuts stuffed with different ingredients on the table. But the interesting thing was the plastic shells of shrimp-like white texture that Mr. Vaughn would pour into the water and then force-feed us all. It tasted like shrimp but it really tasted bad. I doubted him and on the other hand I knew that Mr. Vaughn did not like to be mischievous. I asked him if he had given us snake meat to eat. He said no. Did I say rabbit? He said no. Did I say cat? He said no. I said then what was this? He said there was nothing, it is a kind of fermented cheese like tofu and changed the subject, but later I found out that he had given us turtle meat to eat!
It was not a tasty food for me at all because, firstly, it had no spices or flavors and secondly, it was boiled, but it was an interesting experience that we should definitely try. It was one of the most challenging foods I ate in China. We were busy all the time with chopsticks or the same chopsticks and finding pieces of meat that were lost in the water, and Mr. Vaughn was laughing at us all. Whatever we said, they did not give us a spoon and fork and their answer was that you are in China and we eat in China with chopsticks, so you try to eat with chopsticks. Mr. Vaughn, who did not like it, said to me, "We ate together in Iran. I asked you for a chopsticks?" I said no. He laughed and said then you do not want either. And since he did not know me yet, I said ok, and that night I practiced so much that I was in China for a while and even after I returned to Iran I ate with chopsticks.
When I returned from the restaurant, which was upstairs in a passage, I saw one or two shops. I could not believe it was so expensive. My friend liked a coat and when we asked the price and converted it into Rials, we were surprised. 42,000,000 million Tomans for a normal coat !!! I told Mr. Von what happened? In Iran, people's lives revolve around Chinese goods, which are very valuable, but here it is like this ?! He said, firstly, this passage is very expensive because it is very expensive in the neighborhood, secondly, the quality of Chinese products is not always what you see in Iran, which is expensive, and thirdly, the products you see in Iran all come in bulk from Guangzhou. The sky is different. My friend who was with me was more shocked than I was because she had two Iranian children, both of whom had a long list of souvenirs. I told her not to worry if Mahsa Sarboneh knew where to sleep with the camel and I promised her that I could take her somewhere and she could buy it. As we walked in the passage, shocked by the prices, we came to a gentleman who was painting a traditional Chinese painting. While painting, the hands moved so beautifully in the air and on the fabric that it was similar to the traditional Chinese dance I had seen the night before at the Emperor's restaurant. I stood in front of him for a few minutes and noticed the brushes and the delicacy of his work, and of course I enjoyed it. It was amazing to draw those miniature paintings so quickly and at the same time so delicately.
After watching this artist and his unique art, we returned to the hotel to plan for tomorrow. We were sitting in the hotel lobby when I saw Mr. Vaughn boil a glass of water and take something out of his pocket and pour it into the water and drink it. I told her what to eat and let me try it. He said that it is a kind of traditional tea and an old Chinese medicine that is prepared from the fruit of a special plant. It looked like peppers and had blueberry-like fruits and saffron-like streaks, but it was really good. Although it had no color at all, but it had a very good aroma and it was so relaxing that after a quarter of talking about an exciting tomorrow, I could not bear it and went to bed.
This post will continue
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